Free Witham Lubricant Survey

Did you know that not having enough oil or using the wrong oil causes up to 10% of all machinery and vehicle breakdowns…
…this means inconvenient downtime and unnecessary increased maintenance costs. Therefore finding the right type of oil for the right equipment is absolutely vital. Witham Group offers free Lubricant surveys on all vehicles and equipment to ensure that you get the right oil in the right machine. Once one of our Witham representatives has carried out the on site survey you will receive a personalised pack outlining what to use and where. This pack also includes a handy window sticker allowing you to keep track of what oil needs to go where. This can be easily applied to your vehicles and machinery.

To find out more call us on 01522 521192 and we’ll be happy to help!

To find out more about our lubricant range please visit our website here.

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