Witham Group: Supporting the Future of British Farming

We’re thrilled to shine a spotlight on the incredible young talent within our agricultural and countryside community! For over 60 years, Witham Group has been immensely proud to support many Young Farmers clubs across the country and we believe in investing in the future of this vital industry and all its related businesses and associations is of the utmost importance.

Led by young people, for young people, UK Young Farmers’ Clubs provide their 23,000 members aged 10 to 28 with a unique opportunity to develop skills, training, work with their local communities, travel abroad, take part in a varied competitions programme and enjoy a dynamic social life.

Supporting Lincolnshire Young Farmers

Recently, we had the pleasure of supporting Lincolnshire Young Farmers by donating giant letters for their events throughout the year. These versatile props are sure to add some fun and excitement to their gatherings!

We also wanted to lend a hand to the creative minds behind the decorated trailers competition at the Lincolnshire Show. Our Woco paint proved to be a popular choice among the clubs, helping them bring this year’s ‘Children’s TV’ theme to life. A massive congratulations to Heckington & Sleaford Young Farmers’ Club for taking first place, Spilsby Young Farmers Club for coming second, and Harmston Young Farmers for placing third and we were delighted that they all used Witham Woco paint!

We’re equally proud to have sponsored the Harmston Young Farmers Tug of War team. Their hard work and dedication paid off this year with some fantastic results – they competed in East Midlands Area Young Farmers Junior Tug of War, and were placed 2nd and received a wonderful thank you card from them too all in their Witham sponsored specially padded tug of war shirts.

We don’t just support with oil and paint though, we offer informative visits and tours of our Witham Head Office and Factory where the next generation of engineers, farmers and horticulturists, land agents, agronomists and so much more, can learn about the vital part that lubricants play in the performance and protection of land machinery and equipment.

Supporting Others Clubs Further Afield

 Our support is also not just in Lincolnshire, from Norfolk to Cambridgeshire, Essex to Northamptonshire we have tried to support as many clubs as possible. It’s truly inspiring to see the passion and enthusiasm of these Young Farmers, and we’re honoured to play a small part in their journey, learning and fun.

Are you involved with a Young Farmers club? Please get in touch if you think we might be able to help you. www.withamgroup.co.uk

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