Putting Witham Group on the Map: Our customer reach continues to expand…


Some long-awaited warmth and sunshine have at last arrived for us all and Witham Group continues to take huge leaps forward in both sustainability practices and in everything we set out to do. I am so proud of our abilities to react to opportunities, challenges, and the changes we all see every day. Our Team at Witham Group, both Lincoln and Soham, surprise and impress us with their ingenuity and ‘can do’ attitude when it comes to customer service and delivery.

We now have many thousands of customers using and purchasing both our Qualube and WOCO products, covering the whole of the UK and selected countries abroad. I am staggered where our products end up! We hear of lubricants being used in the latest block-buster film vehicles, through to premium international car manufacturers race teams. Our lubricants are being used in vital water pumps which are keeping towns, villages and cities dry from flood water over the last few months. We have lubricated massive recycling machinery taking much of the waste from our capital and many other cities around the UK to huge infrastructure power generation sites. We have painted agricultural machinery which has been used on farms within five miles of our head office to farms in the USA, China, New Zealand, Australia, Poland, and Norway!

We manufacture and sell products which lubricate cranes used to maintain the vast wind farms out in the North Sea, we supply the oil to the fishing boats which catch our daily fish quotas, we put the gearbox and differential oils, the coolant, the screen wash, the engine oil in literally thousands of trucks and vans delivering goods and services to our homes, businesses, and service providers. We also lubricate fleets of taxis, buses, and many, many emergency services (police, fire & rescue, ambulances) vehicles, plus 4×4’s used by mountain rescue teams.

Green energy and construction are just two of the sectors we supply

Our technical expertise ensures the correct lubrication of massive factories, producing thousands of tonnes of concrete, massive mining equipment manufacturers, taking stone for local and national building projects, plus food production factories supplying soft fruit to supermarkets and events throughout the UK.

We supply our agricultural lubricants to thousands of farming enterprises who feed us all and are at the cutting edge of environmental and sustainable schemes. We must remember also, the horticultural industry, where currently tens of thousands of lawnmowers, hedge cutters, chainsaw bars will be struck into action and lubricated by our products. Our horticultural lubricants and paints are not just for domestic use, but larger machinery as well used on international racetracks where they have thousands of acres of grass surrounding them, to festival sites, Premiership football and local council football pitches, horse arenas, plus on tens of thousands of acres of turf which is grown for other sporting stadiums throughout the UK and selected sites in Europe.

We provide products to football stadiums and turf contractors

The marine industry relies on our anti-fouling products used on the bottom of boats to keep them free of weed and barnacles, we supply the engine oil for their beating hearts of engines used constantly for sometimes over 300 hours at sea without a stop. The winches, lifts for nets, self-levelling systems, are driven by our hydraulic oils, our environmental Witham ProLan products are used to keep all metalwork and chains free of rust without harming marine life… and so the list goes on!

We are proud to be known as one of the largest oil and paint companies’ people have never heard of, due to the fact we do so much own label for many brands and service dealerships. We are custodians of over 170 distinct brands and thousands of products from small independent retail outlets to international public limited companies …. you would be incredibly surprised who’s product we make! This year we have done more new own label ranges for customers than ever before.

We are proud to be a key part of the food chain, the manufacturing sector, the transportation industries, marine, industrial, passenger car, rail industries, plus always trying where we can, to donate to great causes and our communities with support for charities and local clubs.


We never take this responsibility for granted and we never use our sometimes strong position for our own gain. We have an enviable reputation which is based solely on our mantra that we will be judged on our repeat business. This was said over 100 years ago in an article in the local newspaper about Witham Group, and it is still true to this day. We continue our quest to only supply Quality, Value & Service to our customers all wrapped up and delivered in a professional and fun way!

For over 100 years, Witham Group’s reputation has grown based on Quality, Value & Service

So, as I reflect on all that we have achieved over the last financial year, and all that we have to look forward to this year (including hopefully a lovely warm summer) I wish to thank you, our customers, for the important part you play in the Witham Group Cogs of Business. Each and every one of you is valued and respected and for your support we are always grateful. We hope that the 104th year of Witham Group will prove to be busy with many more people impressed with our products and standard of service.

Thank you


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